Tuesday Nov 19, 2019
Love and Purity 23: Growing in Love Through Prayer
Tuesday Nov 19, 2019
Tuesday Nov 19, 2019
On a human level, the betrothal season allows a time of getting to know one another through communication. Physically being together is put on hold while faithfulness and intimacy are cultivated spirit to spirit. Spiritually, this time of betrothal is one of growing in love through prayer and allowing the love letters of heaven to deeply impact our hearts. This is a difficult yet sweet time as our love is tested and we receive the blessing that Yeshua pronounced on those who though having not seen still believe
Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
Love and Purity 22: Phenomenal Fasting
Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
Taking up the theme of fasting again, Brayden and Tali explore the biblical accounts of those who fasted and then received something from God. These examples encourage our faith as we seek God through fasting and prayer today. If He did it before He will do it again!
Monday Nov 04, 2019
Love and Purity 21: Fasting for the Bridegroom
Monday Nov 04, 2019
Monday Nov 04, 2019
We live in a culture that promotes instant gratification to our every fleshly want. Fasting puts the brakes on this and says no for a time to the appetites of our physical hunger that we might long in a deeper way for our absent Bridegroom. Listen to Brayden and Tali discuss how fasting has impacted their lives and be encouraged to press in for the fullness of God's will for your life.
Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
Love and Purity 20: Sukkot and Wilderness Joy!
Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
After celebrating the fall feast of Sukkot, Brayden and Tali share what they are learning about this festivals primary themes - joy and the wilderness journey! It seems like a oxymoron... This feast is kept in remembrance of the Israelites' journey through the wilderness and yet we are commanded to rejoice. We have a choice of how we look at this wilderness journey... We can look at it disparagingly as a season of hardships and trials or we can look at God's loving care for Israel as He woos His Bride and prepares her for entering into the fullness of her inheritance (The Promised Land). God refers to this Wilderness season as the Betrothal season (Jeremiah 2) and it is a season where love is either lost or cultivated. It is no coincidence that we find ourselves in a similar Betrothal season as we wait for the fullness of the promise (Messiah's return!). We are offered a similar option: Rejoice in God's loving care as He prepares us for our coming King or get discouraged by the trials and hardships that come in the refining process. Let us grow in the likeness of Yeshua and rejoice in the plan of God, even if it means laying down our lives for imperfect people! Disciples of Yeshua are encouraged to have His joy in them. What a thought! The very oil of joy spoken of in Psalm 45 that anoints Yeshua because He love righteousness and hates wickedness is meant to flow over our hearts as well. Rejoice in the Lord always!
Friday Oct 04, 2019
Love and Purity 19: Yom Kippur and Wedding Garments
Friday Oct 04, 2019
Friday Oct 04, 2019
White linen garments are worn by the priest on Yom Kippur and we see white linen garments again in Revelation clothing the Bride. This pure white linen represents thought-fullness, preparation, and intentionality; all born out of a heart of love and devotion. Join us as we look at the word "righteousness" in the beautiful context of a bride made ready washed in the blood of the Lamb.
Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
Love and Purity 18: The Lovesick Bride
Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
Lovesick......the word carries quite a lot of drama. It describes someone who is emotionally and physically moved by the deep stirrings of love. In this podcast listen as Tali tells her own story of lovesickness during the betrothal season. The Bride in the Song of Songs is found in this deep place of longing for her beloved. The nearer we come to the return of the Bridegroom the more we will be found walking in the first and great commandment to love. The Father will not send His son down to an indifferent Bride, but one that is full of passion and longing. Men and women, let's pursue the first commandment with all our hearts!
Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
Love and Purity 17: Happily Ever...Later?
Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
In today's world we expect the Bride and Groom to get married and drive off into "Happily Ever After". The Betrothal season, however, throws an unexpected twist to the drama. It is a season of growing in love and devotion even when you are led through the wilderness valley of separation. The heart longs for fulness yet must wait. The bride longs for her bridegroom yet must submit to the divinely orchestrated timetable that brings her love to maturity. Listen and be encouraged to stand fast through the refining fire.
Tuesday Sep 03, 2019
Love and Purity 16: Betrothal Ceremony Basics And a 10 Cow Bride
Tuesday Sep 03, 2019
Tuesday Sep 03, 2019
Digging into the Bible along with traditional ways that betrothal has been done, Brayden and Tali share how their betrothal ceremony took shape. All the different pieces point to the overarching theme of a bride making herself ready for the marriage supper of the Lamb. Hear the story of a 10 cow bride and be encouraged in the truth of your great value to your King!
Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
Hear a little update from Brayden on how things are going with jail ministry. A young man who a few weeks ago attempted suicide is now hungry for the Word. Have you ever wanted to share your testimony with someone but didn't have enough time? Listen to a creative way to be a witness of your faith. Taking back up where they left off in their story, Brayden and Tali share how God directed them in the months leading up to their betrothal. Laugh along with them as they recount their journey of growing in love.
Tuesday Aug 20, 2019
Love and Purity 14:The Beginnings Of Our Love Story
Tuesday Aug 20, 2019
Tuesday Aug 20, 2019
A question we often hear is "how do you get to know someone before you get married if you don't date"? This is a valid question. It is important that you know someone before entering into a life long covenant with them. Getting to know someone has many levels. An extreme example of this mindset is couples who will live with each other for a few years to make sure they are compatible before they marry. In this episode, we share our story with the hope of giving a picture of what it can look like to get to know someone without getting emotionally and romantically involved, thereby curbing the potential hurt and impurity that has become common place in todays dating scene.