Tuesday Mar 05, 2019
Psalm 115 part 2: The way trust is built
Tuesday Mar 05, 2019
Tuesday Mar 05, 2019
Psalm 115 part 2: Along with delving into the other great themes of this psalm, Brayden and Tali look at the way God is trustworthy because He helps and shields us. Three times it declares “He is their help and their shield”. In this podcast you will be encouraged to live a praise-filled life, blessing God for all the ways He has blessed you.
Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
Psalm 115: You Become What You Worship
Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
We all worship something - the question is what? Join Brayden and Tali Waller on this week's show as they explore the themes found in Psalm 115. Uncover inspiring revelations about humility, mercy and truth and understand the life-impacting importance of what we worship.
Tuesday Feb 19, 2019
Psalm 114: Skipping Hills and Scared Seas
Tuesday Feb 19, 2019
Tuesday Feb 19, 2019
Join Brayden and Tali as they dig into this unique Psalm that resembles modern poetry more than any other. The natural order of creation is disrupted as animated seas and hills are moved by the presence of the Lord. We also look at how the Israelites freedom from Egypt foreshadows our freedom from sin which was won by the Messiah who sang this Psalm just hours before it was finished.
Tuesday Feb 12, 2019
Psalm 113: A hymn of redemption
Tuesday Feb 12, 2019
Tuesday Feb 12, 2019
Discover Psalm 113 through the lens of a servant Rabbi who performs both the role of song leader and savior. As Brayden and Tali unpack this Psalm they highlight its beautiful message of praise and servanthood.
Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
Yeshua Sang the Hallel Psalms
Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
Introduction to the Hallel Psalms Brayden and Tali kick off their first podcast introducing themselves and talking about the importance of the Hallel Psalms (Psalm 113-118). These Psalms are especially significant when we understand that Yeshua sang these songs just hours before giving his life. If you'd like to listen to these podcasts weekly, make sure to follow or subscribe so that you will automatically be notified each week.